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As an avid reader I’m always looking for new gadgets and accessories to make reading easier and more fun. Here’s a list of things I’ve found that readers will love.


Any type of reader can benefit from a kindle. Lightweight, portable, and able to carry so many books at once.

Book Marks

Physical book enthusiasts have so many options when it comes to book marks! You can go traditional or spice it up with corner covers. The possibilities are endless.

Reading Lights

Reading lights, especially portable ones, are a game changer for reading. Whether you’re traveling at night or in bed.

Page Holders

Fresh books can be a pain to hold open. Page holders are the way to go to comfortably keep books open while reading.

Book Sleeves

Book sleeves are great for people who travel a lot. They provide great protection and come on so many different designs.

Reading Journals

If you read as many books as I do, sometimes you can lose track of what you’ve read. Some journals can be used for simple book logs and others for reviews and summaries.

Book Annotation

Highlighters, Post-it tabs and clear Post-its are perfect for book annotation. Taking notes while reading is fun. I love being able to just flip to my favorite quotes or scenes.

Book Ends

Book ends are such a great way to spice up your shelves. There are so many cute combinations to choose from.
