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Review | Groupie

by C.M. Stunich

Genre: New Adult Romance, Reverse Harem/Why Choose, Contemporary, Musicians

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

Groupie is the first book in the three part Rock-Hard Beautiful Series by C.M. Stunich. It’s a new adult, contemporary, reverse harem/why choose, musician romance. Please read trigger/content warnings before reading.

Lilith Goode’s life is over. With her car packed up and barely any money to her name she receives the most devastating new via text. Now she has no where to go and thanks to her cheating scumbag ex, no one to turn to. A chance encounter outside a concert turns her life upside down. She has to process her grief and maybe she’ll find a new place in the world.

Let’s dive in to this oldie but oh so goodie. This book has been on my TBR for forever and I finally decided it was time to pick it up. Lilith is so relatable. How many times have we or are friends/family given up everything for a partner only for it to go up in flames? Poor Lilith made the same mistake a lot of us do. However, Lilith gets something we all want to help her deal with her heartbreak and homelessness, a whole band of hot rock stars. This is one of those “that could never happen in real life but man I wish it happened to me” scenarios. The guys are all great and the spice is impeccable. Definitely recommend for those who love a dirty fantasy about rock stars but also don’t mind some heavy topics thrown in there too.

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