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Review | Death God

by Meg Xuemei X

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal Romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Death God by Meg Xuemei X is the third and final book in the Monsters After Dark series. It’s a paranormal, fantasy romance. Please read trigger warnings before reading.

Pip has made a huge gamble. After finally mating with Marlowe she hands herself over the Alpha Heir, new Alpha King, to keep her new family safe and by them time to raise an army. Alpha King Jared has been a busy guy. He joined forces with the mages and also allowed the horsemen War (aka Spartoi) to inhabit his body. Pip must use all her tricks to save her loved ones and become strong enough to kill Spartoi for good.

The twists and turns had me constantly guessing throughout this book. Pip definitely became the ultimate badass. Meg really drove the point across of how psychotic Spartoi and Alpha King Jared were. The reunion of Pip and Marlowe was hilarious. This series kept me engaged the entire time. I loved the plot and each character so much.I fully recommend this series.

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