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Review | Off Limits

by Shayna Astor

Title: Off Limits

Author: Shayna Astor

Genre: Contemporary, Forbidden Romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Spice: 🌶

Off Limits is the first book in the Limits Series by Shayna Astor. It is a Contemporary, Forbidden (Best Friends Brother) Romance.

Do you like characters who always say the right things and their minimal drama is wrapped up with a perfect bow? If so, this a great book for you.

Shay is your typical teenage girl: insecure, questioning everything, not sure about her path in life. The one thing she is sure of is her forbidden feelings for Lochlyn, her best friends older brother. Lochlyn is pretty much perfect. He is supportive, understanding, bends over backwards for Shay, and only has one scene where I questioned his thought process and actions. Chelsea, the best friend and sister, is over the top against anything happening between them and has voiced her opinion many, many times.

I was expecting A LOT more angst in this book. The layout was there for it but the drama was buttoned up very quickly. It wasn’t bad to do it this way, it just left something to be desired regarding the plot. I didn’t connect to the emotions of the characters as much as I usually do while reading. Shay did have some major character growth by the end and it does set up the next book, starring Chelsea, nicely. This is a feel good, low drama, predictable read.

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